
officially the language that i know best... and yet it seems others are better at it and can speak more than 3 languages... i aint down with language YO

did eng. test today... not goin to talk about bm cause i can really go frantic wit the language

for multiple choice essay i did the zoo 1 (obviously)
used my group's members name during the 'moral project' thing
changed the name a bit la
Vicky - Vick
Jacky - Jocky
Shi Mun - She Min
Yee Wen - Tee Won


no offense but i just wanted to make up some fast names
i even used 'Hannah Ng' as my name for the directed writing question


i reli hate the stupid exam schedule
the only good part is that sejarah bm & moral are on different weeks
so... whatever

"live to love... love to live"

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