blueberry - sleep/ppl - VANDREAD!!!

the annoyin people...
bleak... so very bleak...

blue = sad & emo blog
berry = smart oversized head *remember?*

it also seems that some ppl are so smart that they can establish a psychic connection with their future selves... cool

maybe andrew and choong can do that too... lol

anyway... sleep
i do it u do it we do it
but some ppl are better than the rest
so annoying if u cant sleep at night.. and then u wake up so early and u feel like shit
and then other ppl annoy u because of some reason they never bother to check
and then other ppl annoy u because " they're " just retarded in the head or something
these ppl... sad so sad

wonder if any1 of u remember this anime " Vandread "... good anime
its about the future where women and men are enemies and they wage war and shit like that
but how do they reproduce u ask? well... the female use Dolly's method while the men...
they use factories...yes factories
how? i dont know.. i dont think i want to know

"umami is ajinomoto... i believe things too easily..."

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