Exams' in 2 days
hooray for that, haven't been studying today though, sad
i just can't focus until i feel very melancholic and shit
well that;s too bad huh
this is just gonna be a short one, cause of the realisation that i suck big time
i don't understand our schedule at all, why is it all mixed up?
bm and maths? weird, bm and bio 3? weird
but at least its better than our "wonderful" spm schedule
where we have to stay until 4.30 at certain days
what are they thinking? and its just from 19 nov to 9 dec, right?
unless i forgot the date but that's not the point
i just don't get how people can study for 5 hours straight
i would have died around 2, or 2 and a half
i don't like to be perasan but it seems that i get better results than them
maybe during this exam their hard work will pay off and my results will be shitty
well, made some "interesting" friends last 2 weeks
never mentioned it cause i was lazy
and off i go, to my games and anime... again
i leave you with this link, with hopes that none of you are nazis
and, famous people like anime too!!
"gentleman, i truly love war"
Major of the Kampfgruppe - Hellsing Ultimate OVA 3