Questions? Haruhi is the answer, don't forget Alucard

don't know what to post about.... so i just keep pasting cool pictures i see from the web

also trying to learn to edit images, but all i have is ms paint...
people must think i'm a real noob...
yeah i know, but i don't know what programs to use to edit bloody pictures...
so go ahead and laugh at my futile attempts
even though it never leaves my computer;s recycle bin

and they we;re playing Haruhi on ntv7 at 12.30
i went nuts... YEAH!
the episode was "live alive" episode 12 chronologically and numerically
i say that because the airing episodes are all messed up... except for the first 4 and 12
this episode is the one where she volunteered to cover for the band's (ENOZ) missing members
then she gets emo and starts thinking about what to do with her life and stuff
then she returns to her hyper normal self in 5 minutes,,,

and yeah, i managed to download hellsing
ultimate HD!!!!
and blood quality is so awesome...!!!!

"The Smile Of Death
Says It All"

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