So zzzzzzzzz

damn annoying le.....

no time to enjoi myself

internet randomley failing

so annoyingz

wan be rajin, so lazy pulak


reminising, i think i spelled that wrong - haha

bout the pointless times, haha - at least got no worries ma

i wan play nice game, nothing nice recently

sommore the new image i put up, yes its a game - haha

but im not that pro at it ///// but my cousin;s fren damn pro
and that friend is a girl - lolz

dunno how to put vids up on the post..... some1 teach me!!!!

i wish to go to
;a place of hope with no pain, perfect skies with no rain;
haha - lyricz

been so aannoyingz. zzzzzzzz

wish i can be fit, as fit as dante and nero
then i can do all the cool stunts and defy gravity

meseenger is so f ....wateva la
see ya

"show me what's it for, make me understand it"

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