yeap..... goin to the zoo tomorrow
gonna pick up shit and crap form all sorts of animals.... swell

on the bright side,. nick said that the medical department was cool
burnin syringes with blowtorches.... tranqulizin bears and clamping their mouth to stop them from droolin.... awesome stuff

anyway today was like everyday... crappin in school, ignorin the annoying teachers....

well i saw a different side of vicky and yee wen today... they were like all hyper and maniacally laughing... most of the time without a proper reason... CoOl

still rememberin about the exam... as usual vicky will get damn high followed by yee wen, kim2, shi mun, leviana and somebody... i had this position for the past 3 exams but im not so sure now...

"metal is not just a mineral... its a way of life!"

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