STALKER!!!!!! KARATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUFF!!!!!!!

haha!!!!!!!!! i wuz checkin out other ppls blog, i feel like a noob wit dis stuff... still dunno how to post audio cuz i wan to post the best guitar song eva! DRAGONFORCE!!!! too bad the band kinda sux... i do not post text that early! i dunno wat's wrong and im postin stuff like 3 in da mornin! well... i can la... lame la...

WOAH!!!!!1 i just passed my grading and demo today.... scream as loud as shit!! so sad la i got 4C's for my grading results.... dunnno whether that means i can do a double grade.... but its over anyway... still tryin to put song into my blog... at least got a vid! WEEE.... DAFT PUNK .... techno legends!!!!! wish they would make a game for techno songs like guitar hero... but that is for guitar only and rock band don hav tabletops......

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